Background and Challenges

A letting agents in Stoke-on-Trent came to SearchUp for help improving their rankings in Google for terms related to their business, with the aim of generating more traffic and getting more local landlords to use them to manage their property portfolios.

Like a lot of our clients, they had used other SEO companies in the past that weren’t able to deliver what they promised.

The Strategy

All good SEO campaigns should start with a full Technical SEO site audit to see what the current state of the website is like. This then allows us to find any issues that need fixing and also allows us to see where it needs improving to ensure that this letting agents SEO campaign is a success.

Once the website had been optimised with all on-page factors taken care of it was time to begin a link building campaign. Link building is an ongoing task to ensure that only the highest quality of links are created based on a strict criteria that SearchUp use to assess the value of the website that the links will be from.


The letting agents started to work with SearchUp in June and have seen all of their keywords hit position 1 (as of writing this it is currently October) in Google and have seen a huge increase in traffic and most importantly – business!

The screenshot below shows the increase in traffic:

letting agents seo case study

The trust of the letting agents website has also improved dramatically due to our link building campaign. The following screenshot is from Majestic:

letting agents seo trust flow


We can’t recommend SearchUp enough:
- They are very professional
- Deliver what they promised
- Provide us with monthly updates
- Make changes at short notice
They have increased our presence immensely.

Justin Ward
Managing Director, Wards Property Management

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