Paid Media

High Returns Really Stick for B2B Glue Guns Retailer

At SearchUp, we are proud of the campaign results we have achieved on behalf of our glue guns client. By leveraging our expertise in B2B marketing and ecommerce, we were able to create a paid media strategy that produced an exceptionally high ROAS (return on ad spend) from day one.

We were presented with an account that was delivering low returns, despite having just brand bidding live. We immediately launched a raft of new campaigns, including Performance Max., including a large proportion of non-brand campaigns. We immediately advised the client of the importance of investing in new customer acquisition via paid search to grow long-term returns, amongst other initiatives that were design to drive account and also business-level growth.

Our team began by developing a customised paid search (PPC) strategy, tailored to the specific goals of our client. This included targeted keyword research and bids, as well as extensive A/B testing to ensure we were maximising conversions, and minimising costs. We also implemented advanced tracking solutions that enabled us to measure results in real time with more data points. We also aligned closely to the clients business objectives of building an increased B2B customer base, and made the most of cutting-edge AI (ArtIficial Intelligence) approach which SearchUp specialises in.

The results we achieved were remarkable. Our efforts drove a steady influx of new customers while also reducing overall costs. At the end of the campaign period, we had delivered a 5x ROAS, resulting in a much higher return on investment for our client. Some key metrics that demonstrate the success are below.

We are proud to have had the opportunity to work with this particular glue guns client and help them achieve their paid media objectives. Our success highlights the value of investing in professional B2B marketing and ecommerce strategies, which can be leveraged to effectively reach target audiences and drive impressive returns, and a larger customer base to deliver business-level growth.

If you are having challenges with your paid media, and your current agency isn’t currently delivering for you, let us know if we can help.

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