Maximize Your Google Ads Success: A Guide to Performance Max Campaigns by SearchUp

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In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, Google Ads has introduced Performance Max campaigns, a game-changer for businesses seeking to maximise their reach across Google's vast advertising network. This innovative campaign type leverages machine learning to optimise ad delivery across Google Search, Display, YouTube, Gmail, and more. To make your Performance Max campaigns work effectively they need to be built professionally, and maintained by a paid media specialist; simply relying on AI is not enough. 

At searchup, we have put together this comprehensive guide with tips and strategies to maximise your success.

Understanding Performance Max Campaigns

Performance Max campaigns are designed to help marketers achieve a wide range of goals, from lead generation to e-commerce sales. They use automation and machine learning to find the best audience segments, ad formats, and platforms to meet your campaign objectives. The flexibility and adaptability of Performance Max can lead to impressive results, but success requires a strategic approach.

How To Get Performance Max Campaigns Working Properly

1. Set Clear Campaign Goals

Before launching a Performance Max campaign, define your objectives. Are you looking to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, generate leads, or boost sales? Your goals will guide the campaign structure, bidding strategy, and success metrics.

2. Optimise Your Asset Groups

Performance Max campaigns rely on asset groups containing text, images, videos, logos, and other creative elements. The quality and variety of these assets are critical to campaign success. Here are some tips for optimising asset groups:

  • Diverse Creative Assets; Include a range of ad formats—text, images, and videos—to appeal to different audience preferences.
  • Consistent Branding; Maintain a consistent look and feel across all assets to reinforce your brand identity.
  • Quality Over Quantity; Ensure high-quality assets that are visually appealing and convey your message effectively.

3. Leverage Audience Signals

Audience signals help Google's machine learning understand who your ideal customers are. While Performance Max campaigns don't require specific audience targeting, providing audience signals can boost campaign performance. Consider using the following signals:

  • Customer Lists; Upload customer lists to help Google identify similar audiences.
  • Website Visitors; Use re-marketing lists to target users who have interacted with your website.
  • Interest-Based Audiences; Include interests or in-market segments that align with your target audience.

4. Use Data-Driven Bidding Strategies

Performance Max campaigns support various bidding strategies, such as "Maximise Conversions" or "Target ROAS." Choose a strategy that aligns with your goals and budget. Here are some suggestions:

  • Maximise Conversions; Ideal for lead generation and campaigns focused on driving specific actions.
  • Target ROAS; Suitable for e-commerce campaigns aiming for a specific return on ad spend.
  • Maximise Conversion Value; Great for campaigns focused on revenue generation.

5. Monitor and Optimise Campaign Performance

Once your campaign is live, regular monitoring and optimisation are crucial. Here are some steps to consider:

  • Analyse Performance Reports
  • Use Google Ads reports to track key metrics like conversions, click-through rates, and cost per conversion.
  • Adjust Asset Groups; Continuously update and improve your creative assets based on performance data.
  • Refine Audience Signals; Adjust audience signals as needed to align with your campaign's evolving objectives.
  • Experiment with Budget and Bidding; Test different budget levels and bidding strategies to find the optimal balance.

6. Enhance Conversions Setup

Enhanced Conversions is a feature in Google Ads that improves conversion tracking accuracy by providing additional conversion data. It helps Google understand user behaviour more precisely, leading to better optimisation and improved campaign performance. Here's how to set it up and why it's beneficial for Performance Max campaigns:

  • What Are Enhanced Conversions? Enhanced Conversions collect additional data from user interactions (like email addresses or phone numbers) to improve the accuracy of conversion tracking without compromising user privacy. This data is hashed and secured to ensure compliance with privacy standards.
  • How to Set Up Enhanced Conversions

  1. Enable Enhanced Conversions in Google Ads Go to your campaign's settings and activate Enhanced Conversions. Google provides guidance on how to do this through your existing conversion actions.

  2. Implement Tracking: Work with your web developer to set up the necessary tracking code on your website. This code captures additional conversion data when a user interacts with your ads and converts.

  3. Test and Validate After setup, ensure Enhanced Conversions are working correctly. Use Google Tag Manager to validate that the data is being collected accurately.

  • Benefits of Enhanced Conversions
  1. Improved Accuracy By collecting additional conversion data, Enhanced Conversions increase the accuracy of your conversion tracking.
  2. Better Optimisation Enhanced data provides more insights into Google's machine learning, leading to improved optimisation and campaign performance.
  3. Increased Insights With more accurate data, you gain a deeper understanding of your audience's behaviour, helping you refine your marketing strategies.

7. Utilise Google Insights

Google Ads provides valuable insights into campaign performance, user behaviour, and emerging trends. Make the most of these insights to refine your strategy:

  • Insights Tab; Explore insights on search trends, audience demographics, and other data points that can inform your campaign decisions.
  • Seasonal Trends; Adjust your campaigns to align with seasonal trends or upcoming events that may impact your industry.


Performance Max campaigns offer an exciting opportunity to harness Google's full advertising network with the power of machine learning. However, a qualified human marketer’s input, with knowledge of the platform, and of a business's goals is needed to make it work effectively. By following these strategies and continuously refining your approach, you can maximise the success of your campaigns and achieve your marketing objectives.

Ready to elevate your Google Ads performance? Contact searchup to learn how we can help you create and optimise high-performing Performance Max campaigns tailored to your business goals.

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